Handling Delimited Path Parameters

Tapir allows you to handle complex path parameters, such as lists of custom types separated by delimiters (e.g., commas). This can be achieved using Codec.delimited, which facilitates the serialization and deserialization of delimited lists within path segments.

Use Case

Suppose you want to define an endpoint that accepts a list of names as a comma-separated path parameter. Each name should adhere to a specific pattern (e.g., only uppercase letters).

Implementation Steps:

1. Define the Custom Type and Validator

Start by defining your custom type and the associated validator to enforce the desired pattern.

import sttp.tapir._
import sttp.tapir.generic.auto._
import sttp.tapir.Codec
import sttp.tapir.Validator
import sttp.tapir.CodecFormat.TextPlain
import sttp.tapir.model.Delimited

case class Name(value: String)

// Validator to ensure names consist of uppercase letters only
val nameValidator: Validator[String] = Validator.pattern("^[A-Z]+$")

2. Create Codecs for the Custom Type and Delimited List

Utilize Codec.parsedString for individual Name instances and Codec.delimited for handling the list.

// Codec for single Name
given Codec[String, Name, TextPlain] = Codec.parsedString(Name.apply)

// Codec for a list of Names, delimited by commas
given Codec[String, Delimited[",", Name], TextPlain] = Codec.delimited

3. Define the Endpoint with Delimited Path Parameter

Incorporate the delimited codec into your endpoint definition to handle the list of names in the path.

import sttp.tapir._
import sttp.tapir.generic.auto._
import sttp.tapir.Codec
import sttp.tapir.Validator
import sttp.tapir.CodecFormat.TextPlain
import sttp.tapir.model.Delimited

case class Name(value: String)

// Validator to ensure names consist of uppercase letters only
val nameValidator: Validator[String] = Validator.pattern("^[A-Z]+$")

// Codec for single Name
given Codec[String, Name, TextPlain] = Codec.parsedString(Name.apply)

// Codec for a list of Names, delimited by commas
given Codec[String, Delimited[",", Name], TextPlain] = Codec.delimited

val getUserEndpoint =
    .in("user" / path[Delimited[",", Name]]("id"))

4. Generated OpenAPI Schema

When you generate the OpenAPI documentation for this endpoint, the schema for the id path parameter will correctly reflect it as an array with the specified pattern for each item.

      operationId: getUserId
        - name: id
          in: path
          required: true
            type: array
              type: string
              pattern: ^[A-Z]+$


  • Codec.parsedString: Transforms a String into a custom type (Name) and vice versa. It also applies validation to ensure each Name adheres to the specified pattern.

  • Codec.delimited: Handles the serialization and deserialization of a delimited list (e.g., comma-separated) of the custom type. By specifying Delimited[",", Name], Tapir knows how to split and join the list based on the delimiter.

  • Endpoint Definition: The path[List[Name]]("id") indicates that the id path parameter should be treated as a list of Name objects, utilizing the previously defined codecs.


Validators play a crucial role in ensuring that each element within the delimited list meets the required criteria. In this example, nameValidator ensures that each Name consists solely of uppercase letters. Tapir applies this validation to each element in the list, providing robust input validation.