
From 1.10.4 to 1.10.5

  • tapir-server-netty-loom has been renamed to tapir-netty-server-sync, and is availavble only for Scala 3. Use imports from sttp.tapir.server.netty.sync, and start your server using NettySyncServer(). See examples/HelloWorldNettySyncServer.scala for a full example.

From 1.9.3 to 1.9.4

  • NettyConfig.defaultNoStreaming has been removed, use NettyConfig.default.

From 1.4 to 1.5

  • badRequestOnPathErrorIfPathShapeMatches and badRequestOnPathInvalidIfPathShapeMatches have been removed from DefaultDecodeFailureHandler. These flags were causing confusion and incosistencies caused by specifics of ZIO and Play backends. Before tapir 1.5, keeping defaults (false and true respectively for these flags) meant that some path segment decoding failures (specifically, errors - when an exception has been thrown during decoding, but not for e.g. enumeration mismatches) were translated to a “no-match”, meaning that the next endpoint was attempted. From 1.5, tapir defaults to a 400 Bad Request response to be sent instead, on all path decoding failures.

  • If your code sets badRequestOnPathErrorIfPathShapeMatches = true to override the default false, you can just remove this in tapir 1.5, it is the new default.

  • Similarly, if your code sets .badRequestOnDecodeFailure on endpoint path input, just remove this attribute.

  • If your code doesn’t change this parameter and you update tapir, you should expect shape-matched path decoding failures to always become 400s, without attempting the next endpoint unless explicitly specified.

  • If you want to override this behavior and force trying the next endpoint, add .onDecodeFailureNextEndpoint to the input where you expect such handling. See error handling page for details.

From 1.2 to 1.3

  • Static content endpoints from sttp.tapir.static._ are deprecated in favor of the new tapir-files module. New methods are in sttp.tapir.files._: staticFilesGetServerEndpoint, staticFilesHeadServerEndpoint, staticFilesServerEndpoints, staticResourcesGetServerEndpoint, staticResourcesHeadServerEndpoint, staticResourcesServerEndpoints, etc. See the updated documentation.

  • Respectively, use sttp.tapir.files.FilesOptions instead of sttp.tapir.static.FilesOptions

  • the cats integration module has been split into cats and cats-effect, with the latter containing the CatsMonadError class, providing a bridge between the sttp-internal MonadError and the cats-effect Sync typeclass. If you’ve been using this directly, you might need to update your dependencies.

From 0.20 to 1.0

  • EndpointVerifier is moved to a separate tapir-testing module

  • customJsonBody is renamed to customCodecJsonBody

  • anyFromStringBody is renamed to stringBodyAnyFormat

  • anyFromUtf8StringBody is renamed to stringBodyUtf8AnyFormat

  • CustomInterceptors is renamed to CustomiseInterceptors as this better reflects the functionality of the class

  • CustomiseInterceptors.errorOutput is renamed to .defaultHandlers, with additional options added.

  • in custom server interpreters, the RejectInterecptor must be now disabled explicitly using RejectInterceptor.disableWhenSingleEndpoint when a single endpoint is being interpreted; the ServerInterpreter no longer knows about all endpoints, as it is now parametrised with a function which gives the potentially matching endpoints, given a ServerRequest

  • the names of Prometheus and OpenTelemetry metrics have changed; there are now three metrics (requests active, total and duration), instead of the previous 4 (requests active, total, response total and duration). Moreover, the request duration metric includes an additional label - phase (either headers or body), measuring how long it takes to create the headers or the body.

  • CustomiseInterceptors.appendInterceptor is replaced with .addInterceptor; .prependInterceptor and .appendInterceptor methods are also added

  • RequestHandler, returned by RequestInterceptor, now also accepts a list of server endpoints. This allows to dynamically filter the endpoints. Moreover, there’s a new type parameter in RequestInterceptor and RequestHandler, R, specifying the capabilities required by the given server endpoints.

  • the http4s server interpreters have only one effect parameter, instead of two (F for the general effect and G for the body effect). This separation stopped making sense with the introduction of BodyListener some time ago and keeping ServerInterpreter using a single effect.

  • the Swagger and Redoc UIs by default use relative paths for yaml/json documentation references and for redirects. This can be changed by passing appropriate options.

  • The streamBinaryBody method now has a mandatory format parameter, which previously was fixed to be CodecFormat.OctetStream()

Moved traits, classes, objects

  • server interpreters & interceptors have moved from core into the server/core module

  • ServerResponse and ValuedEndpointOutput are moved to sttp.tapir.server.model

  • metrics classes and interceptors have moved to the sttp.tapir.server.metrics package

  • Endpoint.renderPathTemplate is renamed to Endpoint.showPathTemplate

  • web socket exceptions UnsupportedWebSocketFrameException and WebSocketFrameDecodeFailure are now in the sttp.tapir.model package

  • OpenAPI and AsyncAPI models are now part of a separate sttp-apispec project, hence the packages of these objects changed as well, from sttp.tapir.apispec / sttp.tapir.openapi / sttp.tapir.asyncapi to sttp.tapir.apispec.(...)

  • server interpreters sources are now grouped based on the underlying server implementation (e.g. http4s, vertx), and then sub-directories contain effect integrations (e.g. cats, zio). Name templates:

    • for artifacts: tapir-<server>-server-<effect>. E.g. tapir-zio-http4s-server became tapir-http4s-server-zio1

    • for package names: sttp.tapir.server.<server>.<effect>

    • for interpreters: <server><effect>ServerInterpreter

From 0.19 to 0.20

See the release notes

From 0.18 to 0.19

See the release notes

From 0.17 to 0.18

See the release notes