
Inputs which carry authentication data wrap another input can be marked as such by declaring them using members of the auth object. Apart from predefined codecs for some authentication methods, such inputs will be treated differently when generating documentation. Otherwise, they behave as normal inputs which map to the given type.

Currently, the following authentication inputs are available (assuming import sttp.tapir._):

  • auth.apiKey(anotherInput): wraps any other input and designates it as an api key. The input is typically a header, cookie or a query parameter
  • auth.basic[T]: reads data from the Authorization header, removing the Basic prefix. To parse the data as a base64-encoded username/password combination, use: basic[UsernamePassword].
  • auth.bearer[T]: reads data from the Authorization header, removing the Bearer prefix. To get the string as a token, use: bearer[String].
  • auth.oauth2.authorizationCode(authorizationUrl, tokenUrl, scopes, refreshUrl): EndpointInput[String]: creates an OAuth2 authorization using authorization code - sign in using an auth service (for documentation, requires defining also the oauth2-redirect.html, see Generating OpenAPI documentation)

Multiple authentication inputs indicate that all of the given authentication values should be provided. Specifying alternative authentication methods (where only one value out of many needs to be provided) is currently not supported. However, optional authentication can be described by mapping to optional types, e.g. bearer[Option[String]].

When interpreting a route as a server, it is useful to define the authentication input first, to be able to share the authentication logic among multiple endpoints easily. See server logic for more details.

Caveat emptor

All endpoints defined with an input auf expect the input to be provided. Please note that this implies that the headers needed for basic authentication will not be rendered by tapir automatically. Long story short: If you define"path").in(auth.basic[UsernamePassword]) then your browser will not show you a password prompt as you might expect. Instead you’ll get an error message about missing headers.