Server options

Each interpreter can be configured using an options object, which includes:

  • how to create a file (when receiving a response that is mapped to a file, or when reading a file-mapped multipart part)
  • if, and how to handle exceptions (see error handling)
  • if, and how to log requests (see loggin & debugging)
  • how to handle decode failures (see error handling)
  • additional user-provided interceptors

To use custom server options pass them as an argument to the interpreter’s apply method. For example, for AkkaHttpServerOptions and AkkaHttpServerInterpreter:

import sttp.tapir.server.akkahttp.AkkaHttpServerOptions
import sttp.tapir.server.akkahttp.AkkaHttpServerInterpreter

val customServerOptions: AkkaHttpServerOptions = 
  AkkaHttpServerOptions.customInterceptors(decodeFailureHandler = ???)

Request interceptors

Request interceptors intercept whole request, and are called once for each request. They can provide additional endpoint interceptors, as well as modify the request, or the response.

Endpoint interceptors

An EndpointInterceptor allows intercepting the handling of a request by an endpoint, when either the endpoint’s inputs have been decoded successfully, or when decoding has failed.

There are three interceptors that are used by default, which are called in this order:

  1. exception interceptor
  2. logging interceptor
  3. decode failure handler interceptor

Note that while the request will be passed top-to-bottom (1->3), handling of the result will be done in opposite order (3->1). E.g., if the result is a failed effect (an exception), it will first be logged by the logging interceptor, and only later passed to the exception interceptor.

Using customInterceptors on the options companion object, it is possible to customise the built-in interceptors, as well as add new ones in-between the default initial (exception, logging) and decode failure interceptors. Customisation can include removing the interceptor altogether. Later, interceptors can be added using .prependInterceptor and .appendInterceptor.