Serving static content

Tapir contains predefined endpoints, server logic and server endpoints which allow serving static content, originating from local files or application resources. These endpoints respect etags as well as if-modified-since headers.


The easiest way to expose static content from the local filesystem is to use the filesServerEndpoint. This method is parametrised with the path, at which the content should be exposed, as well as the local system path, from which to read the data.

Such an endpoint has to be interpreted using your server interpreter. For example, using the akka-http interpreter:

import akka.http.scaladsl.server.Route

import sttp.tapir._
import sttp.tapir.server.akkahttp.AkkaHttpServerInterpreter

import scala.concurrent.Future

val filesRoute: Route = AkkaHttpServerInterpreter().toRoute(
  filesGetServerEndpoint[Future]("site" / "static")("/home/static/data")

Using the above endpoint, a request to /site/static/css/styles.css will try to read the /home/static/data/css/styles.css file.

A single file can be exposed using fileGetServerEndpoint.


Similarly, the resourcesGetServerEndpoint can be used to expose the application’s resources at the given prefix.

A single resource can be exposed using resourceGetServerEndpoint.

Endpoint description and server logic

The descriptions of endpoints which should serve static data, and the server logic which implements the actual file/resource reading are also available separately for further customisation.

The filesGetEndpoint and resourcesGetEndpoint are descriptions which contain the metadata (including caching headers) required to serve a file or resource, and possible error outcomes. This is captured using the StaticInput, StaticErrorOuput and StaticOutput[T] classes.

The sttp.tapir.static.Files and sttp.tapir.static.Resources objects contain the logic implementing server-side reading of files or resources, with etag/last modification support.


The content of WebJars that are available on the classpath can be exposed using the following routes (here using the /resources context path):

import sttp.tapir._

import scala.concurrent.Future

val webJarRoutes = resourcesGetServerEndpoint[Future]("resources")(
  this.getClass.getClassLoader, "META-INF/resources/webjars")