
From 0.20 to 1.0

  • CustomInterceptors.errorOutput is renamed to .defaultHandlers, with additional options added.

  • in custom server interpreters, the RejectInterecptor must be now disabled explicitly using RejectInterceptor.disableWhenSingleEndpoint when a single endpoint is being interpreted; the ServerInterpreter no longer knows about all endpoints, as it is now parametrised with a function which gives the potentially matching endpoints, given a ServerRequest

  • the names of Prometheus and OpenTelemetry metrics have changed; there are now three metrics (requests active, total and duration), instead of the previous 4 (requests active, total, response total and duration). Moreover, the request duration metric includes an additional label - phase (either headers or body), measuring how long it takes to create the headers or the body.

  • CustomInterceptors.appendInterceptor is replaced with .prependInterceptor and .appendInterceptor methods.

  • RequestHandler, returned by RequestInterceptor, now also accepts a list of server endpoints. This allows to dynamically filter the endpoints. Moreover, there’s a new type parameter in RequestInterceptor and RequestHandler, R, specifying the capabilities required by the given server endpoints.

Moved traits, classes, objects

  • server interpreters & interceptors have moved from core into the server/core module

  • ServerResponse and ValuedEndpointOutput are moved to sttp.tapir.server.model

  • metrics classes and interceptors have moved to the sttp.tapir.server.metrics package

  • Endpoint.renderPathTemplate is renamed to Endpoint.showPathTemplate

  • web socket exceptions UnsupportedWebSocketFrameException and WebSocketFrameDecodeFailure are now in the sttp.tapir.model package

From 0.19 to 0.20

See the release notes

From 0.18 to 0.19

See the release notes

From 0.17 to 0.18

See the release notes