
Request interceptors

Request interceptors intercept the whole request, and are called once for each request. They can provide additional endpoint interceptors, as well as modify the request, server endpoints, or the response.

The following request interceptors are provided by default (and if enabled, called in this order):

  • the metrics interceptor, which by default is disabled

  • a CORS interceptor (disabled by default)

  • the RejectInterceptor, which specifies what should be done when decoding the request has failed for all interpreted endpoints. The default is to return a 405 (method not allowed), if there’s at least one decode failure on the method, and a “no-match” otherwise (which is handled in an intereprter-specific manner)

Request interceptors for two common scenarios can be created using the RequestInterceptor.transformServerRequest and RequestInterceptor.filterServerEndpoints methods.

Note, that for most server interpreters, the server endpoints passed to the request interceptor will be pre-filtered using FilterServerEndpoints, as a performance optimization (these will be only the endpoints for which the request path might potentially decode successfully).

Endpoint interceptors

An EndpointInterceptor allows intercepting the handling of a request by an endpoint, when either the endpoint’s inputs have been decoded successfully, or when decoding has failed.

The following interceptors are used by default, and if enabled, called in this order:

  • exception interceptor

  • logging interceptor

  • unsupported media type interceptor

  • decode failure handler interceptor

Note that while the request will be passed top-to-bottom, handling of the result will be done in opposite order. E.g., if the result is a failed effect (an exception), it will first be logged by the logging interceptor, and only later passed to the exception interceptor.

Using customiseInterceptors on the options companion object, it is possible to customise the built-in interceptors. New ones can be prepended to the interceptor stack using .prependInterceptor, added before the decode failure interceptor using .addInterceptor, or appended using .appendInterceptor. Customisation can include removing the interceptor altogether.


When implementing interceptors, it might be useful to take advantage of attributes, which can be attached both to requests, as well as endpoint descriptions. Attributes are keyed using an AttributeKey. Typically, each attribute corresponds to a unique type, and the key instance for that type can be created using AttributeKey[T]. The attribute values then have to be of the given type T.